So I've decided that I'll post to help you all out with the Disney look as far as makeup goes. I use to work at a makeup store as a makeup consultant so I have a few ideas!! The key thing for the disney look is natural. So lets start!!

Foundation - if you wear it haha. I wear foundation once in a while when I need to even out my complexion but honestly not that often. I use a light foundation - Dream Matt Mouse by maybelline, and also a powder to set it. If I need to really cover up something I use concealer. Now thing thing with concealer that I learned is to put it on first, then your foundation! Now powder is really good for setting your foundation and making it last longer! Be sure you use a nice size soft brush for this! And just lightly sweep it on! Nothing too heavy! You don't want to look like you have make up on haha.

Next is the blush and bronzer. Yes I do use a bronzer because it helps give a sun kissed look! But don't use it in place of blush!! You need both! Start with your blush. Take a large soft brush, can be the same one you used for the powder and lightly sweet blush just on your cheek bones. I would also say start mid eye and work your way out. Dont get too close to the nose or else you end up with a smushed face look...not good! Now the bronzer! Take and rub the brush on the bronzer and tap out excess, put it over the same spot as the blush on both sides with the same stroke of the bronzer. No going back for more! Then take and buff the rest of your face with the brush to give it an all over sun kissed look! Note: with the bronzer only choose a shade that is about one shade darker than your foundation, and not too orange. You don't want to look fake!

Ok eye time. Now for a natural look you want to choose browns or pinks, or a combo of both. My first look that I'm going to tell you about is the browns. I have a trio of browns that has one light color, a copper color, and a darker brown color. First you take and sweep the lightest color up all the way to your eye brow. Then take the copper color and sweep it over your eye lid. Then take the darker color and lightly tap it into the crease of your eye lid and brow-bone and a litte up onto the brow-bone. If you want to use eye liner use a brown and only use it on the rim of your eye lid - like under your eyelashes. And then lightly on the bottom eye lash line. And also only do it on the outside half of your eye. I tried to get a pic, and it's a little bit darker than you would do...but its the only way this look would show up on camera. Notice though how natural it does look. Also finish it off with some mascara!

For using pinks I have a duo of a light pink and then more of a purply color...darker pink whatever you wana call it. For this one you take and sweep the light one on the brow bone, and the darker one on the lid. Then I use black eyeliner for this which can be done and look still natural. You need to only do it on half of the eye and under the lashes again. And then on the bottom do it on top of the lashes (hope that makes sence) and finish off with mascara. (notice again, once and light!)
Ok I hope these tips were somewhat helpful!! Please just let me know if you have any makeup reallated questions! ENJOY!
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