Also with all of my Disney prep my cousin made a ring tone for me!!! She did a clip from Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast!!! I love this song and it's just so much fun to have as a ring tone!! But with listening to it it really made me want to watch that movie! I don't have it up here with me :-( Maybe I'll have to run off with it when after this weekend at home haha!!! That'll give me something to watch while studying for finals!!!
I got e-mails from Disney talking about the Disney look and the Education classes that are offered. My only deal with the Disney look is I have highlighted hair and I do have darkish roots...but what I'm doing for fixing that is I got some hair lightening spray from Sally's Beauty Store, that you put in and then blow dry and it lightens up your hair. So I'm using that on my roots. I've only used it once so far, and it lightened them up quite a bit!! So I"m hoping that I can just use this and be fine!! I think it'll work haha! I don't wana dye my hair to it's natural because I don't like it, and I don't want to keep highlighting it because of swimming and chlorine = green hair!! YUCK!!
On another note thought I'm thinking about taking one class through Disney, the marketing you one. With this one you learn how to make a really good resume, get on the carrer path that you want, and I just think that it will be very very beneficial!!! Even though I don't get credit for it I still want to take it!
Well I hope everyone out there is getting as excited as I am for Disney and I can't wait to meet everyone out there!!!!! Have a very very Magical Day and I'm going to leave you with a pic from another one of my favorite Disney movies!!
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